Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bill Gates Says Developing Intuition Is Important - Should You Believe Him?

Bill Gates, Founder and CEO of Microsoft in his own words once said 'often you have to rely on your intuition.' He can serve as an excellent role model when it comes to business, and so when he mentions the importance of intuition in business it's a message worth paying attention to.

That same intuitive hunch, that inner feeling that stopped me from going ahead with wrong decisions (or helped me make correct ones), is why I have been able to avoid some financial mistakes simply by being aware of and listening my intuition, my sixth sense, my gut feeling deep inside me.

(Though it is relevant to note, I recently have had some financial challenges... and I suspect it's because I wasn't listening to my intuition and only made decisions with my rational mind. It takes two to tango, but I was trying to tango only with my mind)

Tangents aside, I must say though that it hasn't been an easy ride for me. I mean, how can you know exactly what is right or wrong? It is actually like a battle between the head and heart. I have heard the line 'the heart has its reasons which reason knows not of' but who was 'I' to believe in such thoughts? I was after all just trying to make some money. Taking risks came with the field, and at the time I didn't think this necessarily meant I had to listen to my illogical, irrational, intuitive mind to guide me. Weren't the numbers and research enough?

Apparently not...

One day it dawned on me that it was this intuition was actually guiding me towards the right path. It wasn't logical, but it felt right. If you've had intuitive experiences, then you probably understand exactly what I'm talking about.

Anyway, one thing that can be a really big help is to keep an intuition diary and write down any intuitive impressions that come to you. In my case, I kept it mostly in my head and shared it occasionally with others. (In hindsight, writing these intuitive insights down would have provided me a better foundation to work with.)

Anyway, my intuitive hunches came from dreams, thoughts, and sensations I had or felt throughout my days. And of course occasionally I had those sudden 'bolts of lightning' kinds of awareness. Those were a kind of instantaneous insight.

Over time I had a thorough idea about the accuracy of my awakened intuition. My intuition had a few favorite ways of communicating with me. I don't know if that was unique to me. But it made me aware that I was awakening a very important ability within myself. Each entry I made was reviewed almost every month. My intuitive experiences have become a new way of helping me learn more about the world around me.

For years I floundered with trial and error, trying different techniques and approaches. So far that's been effective, but really slow. It's taken me nearly a decade to learn what I have about intuition. Part of that was because I didn't take it seriously enough, and part of it was a lack of information and no true mentor to show me the ropes.

I do believe I

've now found both the information and mentor, but only time will tell. I've been working through The Intuition Zone program from Aine Belton, and along my journey I am journaling about my experiences and review of her program.

If you're interested in developing your intuition, then it's an excellent idea to check out all the resources out there and then find somebody or some program that resonates with you. We all learn differently, and in my journey I've realized how important it is to find people who align with us.

Like Dan Millman says, "There is no one right way. There is only a right way for a specific person, in a specific place, and at a specific point in time."

Right now, my journey includes The Intuition Zone, so if you'd like to follow along and read my review and experiences with the program then check out my Intuition Zone Review blog. Stop by - I'd love to hear your comments and experiences with developing your own personal intuition zone.